Sunday, May 19, 2013

20 Weeks

May 12, 2013

How's Mom Feeling?

Wow another week has already gone by! It's crazy to think that I am halfway there! This week has been a good one, no complains. I've started exercising and walking a lot this week. We had our baby appointment Friday and that went very well. Told my midwife I was interested in having a water birth so she gave me information on that! I already know labor is going to be just excruciating pain but I heard having a water birth is a great way to cope with the pain naturally. I am looking forward to having a water birth and I am so glad IMC offers water birth for women. Knowing it's in a hospital is reassuring "if" anything goes wrong. But overall, just another great week of feeling the baby move and kick! :) 

Baby is the size of a Banana
Your baby at 20 weeks

  • He's got working taste buds.
  • Now, he's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.

 Best Memory this Week? 

The best memory this week was spending the weekend up in Park City with Zach. It was technically for our two year anniversary but we kind of made it our babymoon trip as well! 

On Friday we had our baby appointment so after that we left to Park City! When we got there, we checked into our hotel. It was called the Marriott hotel.  It was very nice, of course the room we got wasn't anything fancy, we just wanted a place to sleep pretty much. But overall we were very happy with the hotel.  They surprised us with chocolate dipped strawberries and sparkling cider for our Anniversary! That was so sweet of them! 

The next day we went for breakfast and then to the outlet mall and we shopped til we dropped! haha it was a lot of fun because we also bought baby stuff and got some really great deals on clothes! Afterwards we went to the movies and saw Iron Man 3 (which was really good by the way)! After the movies we went to a nice dinner.  At dinner, Zach surprised me with great news and told me they offered him the job position and pay raise at Theradoc! In case you didn't know Zach was actually a "contract-to-hire employee" which pretty much made him a temp. We pretty much knew he would get the job at the start, we just had to wait for the HR to get the paper work done! But after a long wait, we are so grateful to know that he will be a full time worker with benefits!  :) 

We both had such a great weekend in Park City! It was so simple and so stress free. I am glad we didn't go anywhere far or expensive! It was just nice to just get away and have a change of scenery. I definitely want to do this again! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

19 Weeks

May 5, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

Another week and I am still feeling pretty good! My feet however are starting to swell up! Haha It's quite depressing when I look down and see these gigantic fat feet! Baby kicks are getting harder and more frequent! I love it!! A funny thing that happened this week was waking up at 3 AM because I was starving! I thought I was going to die! Haha So lately I've been eating a snack before bedtime so that doesn't happen again. Sometimes I dizzy or lightheaded when I'm at work.

 Now that Zach is out of school we are going to start getting the nursery ready! :) I am so excited to start! We just need to clean and empty out the room so that we can paint and do the flooring.  I am looking forward to our baby appointment at 20 Weeks! And Park City! woo! 

Baby is the size of a mango! yum!

your baby at 19 weeks
  • Developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at her birth.
  • Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.


Mangos!! We bought a cart of them from Costco and I ate the whole thing! :) yum!

Best Memory this Week? 

Photo: Cupcakes galore! Had a fun day cake tasting for baby shower! Thanks again Katie Nestor!!
Best memory this week was probably going cake tasting with Katie! This was such a fun day and she spoiled us real bad! We went cupcake sampling because we would like to have a gender reveal baby shower and the cupcakes will be the reveal! So whoever bites into it will see if it is a pink or blue frosting inside! 

We went to like 5 cupcake bakeries! And we stopped at a baby boutique store called sassy babies! It was the most cutest and unique baby store ever! I will most likely go back there for sure! :) 

Overall it was a fun day full of treats! We are so grateful to have Katie in our lives! She does so much for us and the church and has this joy about her! I am so grateful and thankful that she also wants to do this baby shower for us! Me and my baby feel very loved! :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

18 Weeks - "It's a..."

How's Mom Feeling?

This week has been another great week! I am loving this second trimester and I'm loving all the baby movements! It's the best feeling ever and it truly makes having a baby so real! I've also been very emotional this week and been dealing with some back pain. Other than that, I sleep really good at night! :) and I've been having the weirdest dreams ever! haha 

Another great news is Zach and I found out what we're having! :) 
We actually found out on March 26th. Remember in one of my post I said I was measuring big? Well for that reason, my Midwife scheduled me the first appointment available to see if I could be having twins or I am just further along. So the day of the ultrasound was the most exciting day ever!  The week leading up to the ultrasound seemed like the longest week ever because I was soo anxious to find out if I was expecting a girl or boy! (But I was so glad I didn't have to wait until my 20 week appointment!) So we found out that no we're not having twins and no I am not further along.  Baby is measuring exactly to date and is healthy! Zach told me that a few seconds into the ultrasound he already knew what the gender was. (I honestly don't know how he can see it that quick!) So we are keeping the gender a secret for now. The only people who know are close family. :) Lets just say we are very blessed to be having a healthy baby which is what we wanted! :) 
Baby is the size of a sweet potato!
  • Can you believe she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing?
  • And she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too -- and she's big enough that you might be able to feel her doing it!

 Best Memory this Week? 

This week hasn't been very eventful! Since we found out the gender I've been thinking of nursery ideas! I am so excited to start the baby room. We are going to start it once Zach gets done with school. I am so looking forward to having my husband back! haha He's been working so hard! Four classes and working full-time is no fun! I am so proud of him though! 

I am also looking forward to our Park City weekend getaway coming up! We are leaving May 17th! We scheduled our baby appointment on that same day at 4:30 pm so that way we could just leave right after :) 

So excited!