Wednesday, July 22, 2015

14 Weeks

14 Weeks 

Hello 2nd trimester! I'm definitely feeling a whole lot better! Starting to get my energy back! I only get sick when I have an empty stomach. My skin is awful with this pregnancy. My face is like a pizza! I'm hoping it will clear up soon! :( I've been craving watermelons and root beer! I still don't really like eating meat. I had my baby appointment this week! Heartbeat was 152! My doctor explained to me more about progesterone shots which I'll be taking when I hit 17 weeks! He said that it's totally harmless to the baby. The baby is already getting progesterone anyways. I just need more of it to help keep the baby in me longer! Next appointment is on August 10th! 

  • He's probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his toes in there!
  • His kidneys are making urine, and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.
  • And he's growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over his body — it will help him keep warm!

Pregnancy Memory 

Zach and I went to a Train concert Sunday night! They are one of my favorite bands and it was nice to get out and enjoy the evening with my husband! We haven't gone on a date in a while so this was a special night for us! Afterwards I was craving Mcdonalds so we stopped and I got me a Big Mac with fries! lol 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

12 Weeks

12 Weeks

I'm starting to feel pretty good! However, I find myself getting sick at night instead of all day! I haven't thrown up since, which is good! I'm starting to show a little bump now! And I've also started to feel tiny baby flutters in my tummy already! That, or it's just gas hehe... I'm still craving fruits and anything sweet! I have some energy, but occasionally I get exhausted and tired. I think it's because Ayden has been waking us up super early lately. :(

With this pregnancy blog, my goal was to wear the same outfit/dress weekly. Like this idea I got from Pinterest:

But to be honest, I don't have the time and energy to get dressed up for a picture! :( I feel like with this pregnancy, my skin is awful and I feel gross most days! With Ayden I had the pregnancy glow! No acne...sigh, I guess every pregnancy is just different! 

  • Most of her critical systems are fully formed!
  • She's about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
  • She's now developing her reflexes — if you poke her body, she'll likely move.
  • She's opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too.
  • Her brain is developing fast!

Pregnancy Memory
July 4th 2015

When I got the OK from my doctor to exercise, I knew I wanted to do another run! For July 4th we ran/walk the 10K. It took us forever but I'm just happy we finished it! I'm definitely motivated to stay active this pregnancy and to exercise whenever I can. I'm hoping it will help prepare me for labor when the time comes! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Family Pictures 2015

10 Weeks

10 Weeks

I'm 10 weeks pregnant now and I am starting to feel pretty good! I'm able to keep food down and I only get sick at night. Week 9 was terrible! I threw up everyday and felt so gross! I still have food aversions. I don't really like eating meat! I've been craving a lot of cantaloupe! With Ayden, I was eating a lot of mangoes! 
I'm also starting to get some of my energy back. Sometimes I still nap during the day but I'm finally able to clean the house! The house has been such a mess ever since I became pregnant! Haha 
My pants are starting to feel a little snug now but I'm not ready to bring out the maternity clothes just yet!
 I had my 2nd baby appointment on Monday! Everything looks great! We got an ultrasound again and baby was moving a lot! The heartbeat was 160. Afterwards, I got my blood drawn and scheduled my next appointment which will be at 14 weeks on July 20! The nice thing is that at every baby appointment, they do an ultrasound, which I love! Seeing the baby never gets old! 

  • Baby has working arm joints, and her cartilage and bones are forming.
  • Her vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function.
  • Her fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too.
  • Plus, she's swallowing and kicking in there. (Can you believe it?!)

Pregnancy Memory

So just for fun, I bought a gender prediction kit from Intelligender! Haha just imagine for a sec Zach rolling his eyes at me! I heard that for some women it was accurate and for some it was a complete waste of money! I took it knowing I had a 50/50 chance of it being right or wrong and I really just wanted it to be something fun for Zach and I to do during this pregnancy journey! So basically, it's like a pregnancy test. You collect your first morning urine and you mix it into another cup that contains a mixture of chemicals that are suppose to react with the hormones in your urine! So the results for me came up green which means...boy! Honestly, I would love another boy! But, I'm not going to get my hopes up and go painting the nursery room blue anytime soon so we will have to wait and see! :) 

8 Weeks - Baby Appointment!

Week 8

Definitely feeling very pregnant! I've had Nausea/Vomiting all week. And I'm always hungry! I wake up every night starving! Who knew that this baby, who's not even an inch yet, can make me feel so sick! But at least I know this pregnancy is going like it should, so I can't complain! I was reading an old post from when I was pregnant with Adyen. It's fun to go back and read and compare these two pregnancies! 
  • You can't feel it yet, but it's moving those arms and legs like crazy!
  • Its fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed, and its tail is gone.
  • Fun fact: your baby's taste buds are now forming.

Pregnancy Memory 

Baby's first picture! 
This week I had my first baby appointment! Everything went great! They did an ultrasound and I got to see baby and baby's heartbeat which was 171! :) I met with my doctor, Dr. Esplin, who specializes in premature births. He basically told me everything looks normal right now but he will need to watch me closely as my pregnancy progresses. Starting at 16 weeks I would need to get progesterone shots which would reduce the risk of a premature birth. They also will need to keep an eye on my cervix to make sure that it isn't thinning. If it is thinning, he says I would need to get it stitched up! Hopefully I don't have this problem because that does not sound fun! :(  My next appointment is June 22nd! 

Next post: 10 Weeks Pregnant

4-7 Weeks

Weeks 4 & 5

 I'm tired all the time and nauseous all day! I am always hungry and very moody!  Most of our close family and friends already know we're expecting by now. They're all very excited and happy for us! Ayden doesn't quite know what's going on yet when we tell him he's going to be a Big brother! I'm sure he will suspect something when he sees me carrying a big belly! I called and scheduled my baby appointment which will be on June 10th.  I won't be able to see a Midwife like I did with Ayden. So instead I will be seeing a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor who specializes in High risk pregnancies. All I know is that these doctors watch you closely throughout your pregnancy. I'm a little nervous about it but I'm willing to do whatever for the baby and hopefully go full term this next time around! 

  • The ball of cells is splitting into the embryo (your future child) and placenta.
  • Baby's neural tube, the building block of his/her spine, brain and backbone, is already formed.
  • The amniotic sac and fluid are forming into protective cushioning for your baby.

Pregnancy Memory

Baby's First Race! 
My brother in law organized an amazing fun run for Angel Hands Foundation. It was a really great turn out! And we're very proud of Tyler for all his hard work! Zach and I got to participate and we ran the 5K as a family of four in the rain! 

Weeks 6 & 7

Weeks 6 & 7 were probably the hardest week for me! I had morning sickness all day and everyday! With Ayden's, I was hardly ever sick. I slept great at night. But nope, with this one I don't sleep good at all. I'm always waking up to go use the bathroom. I have food aversions. Every time I open up the fridge I just want to puke! I even had to have Zach go and get me some saltine crackers and ginger ale which helped me a little. I'm also craving a lot of sweets, salads and fruits! 

  • Obviously, he/she's growing like crazy!
  • He/She's also circulating blood with  increasingly more sophisticated circulatory sytem.
  • He/She's about to get cuter too, since their starting to sprout a nose, eyes, ears, chin and cheeks.
  • And he/she might even be wiggling her/his (paddle-like) hands and feet.

Pregnancy Memory  

Sunset sailing at Utah Lake 
For our 4 year anniversary, we wanted to go sailing. The weather was terrible so instead we went to a dinner and movie! We had already paid for the sailing in advance, so they rescheduled for the next weekend. I'm really glad we waited because the weather was amazing! It was perfect! They provided us with dessert and drinks while we watched the sunset. It was my first time out on the sailboat and I was afraid I'd get sick but I didn't! I got sick after when I got off the boat! Haha It was a really great experience though and it made me want to get a boat someday! 

Expecting Baby Lintz #2!

Ayden is Going to be a Big Brother! 

Wow! It's been a very long time since i've blogged! Life happened and Ayden has been keeping us very busy nonstop! But it looks like we're going to be even busier! Because we are happy to announce that we are expecting baby Lintz #2! We are so happy that we are going to have another little monkey running around! My estimated due date is January 19, 2016! It doesn't seem quite real to me yet but I know it will once we get to hear baby's heartbeat and to actually see my growing belly! 

How We Found Out! 

It was May 7th when we found out! I woke up when Zach was getting ready to leave for work. I had all the early pregnancy symptoms but at the same time, I wasn't quite sure. I took the pregnancy test knowing it was probably too early to test and chances are I might get a negative. But I took the test anyways, I was very tired and half awake. When I noticed it was positive, I had to blink a couple of times and it definitely woke me up then! I ran downstairs because I wanted to tell Zach before he left for work. I showed him the test and I said, "It looks like I got my early Mother's Day gift!" :)  He had the biggest smile and we hugged each other for a while. 

We knew we wanted to tell people right away. The last time I got pregnant we kept it a secret and unfortunately, it ended in a miscarriage. It was a lonely time. Nobody had known that a life was lost. So the only way for us to grieve and to honor that lost was to come out and tell people. And we couldn't believe the enormous amount of support we got! 
Having gone through a miscarriage, Zach and I have definitely grown a lot in our faith. It still tears me up today when I think about it. But God is good and he is the giver of life. He put us through that storm for a reason. 
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
    and naked I will depart.[a]
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
    may the name of the Lord be praised.” 
Job 1:21
Should anything happen to this pregnancy, we definitely know we would get the love and support we need from our friends and family. 

Click to read: 4-7 Weeks Pregnant