Wednesday, August 12, 2015

16 Weeks

16 Weeks!

This week was a great week! I think it's safe to say the nausea is officially gone! I'm starting to get a lot of heart burn and only craving light meals! I am feeling baby move on and off now. It is truly the best feeling in the world! It's my absolute favorite part about being pregnant! So we found out the gender of our baby at one of our routine ultrasound appointment and it was fairly obvious what it is!! So we found out it's a...

We are so excited that Ayden is going to have a little brother! I can't wait to see them play and have that kind of brotherly love! :) So I guess that Intelligender test I took was correct!! haha how funny! I kind of suspected I was having a boy. I kept having dreams where I was in the delivery room and the doctor said "It's a Boy!" And the same happened when I was pregnant with Ayden. I kept having dreams about a boy! So now that I know the gender, I can start picturing what it'd be like with another boy and I'm already bonding with him :) Now the hard part is thinking of some names!
  • She's listening to your voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in her ears.
  • She's growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.
  • And she's forming taste buds.

Pregnancy Memory

Over the weekend we went to Gateway Discovery Museum for Ayden's 2nd Birthday! We wanted to spend the day with him before his birthday party Sunday. It was really fun to see him interested in all the stuff they had for kids! It was really cool and I would definitely take him there again! I knew this would be a great place for Ayden because it's definitely hands on stuff and he got to observe a lot of fun things. My son is very observant!! I think he gets it mainly from Zach! I'm pretty observant too but Ayden likes to see how things works and I think he got that part from Zach! I look forward to his birthday party Sunday at The Little Gym! 

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