Monday, August 24, 2015

18 Weeks

18 Weeks 

I can't believe I'm 18 weeks already! It seems just like yesterday I found out I was pregnant! I am feeling pretty good though. I started eating smaller portions to prevent heartburn. I still have acne :( Yep, it sucks! I've been craving a lot of salads and sweet things! I started walking a lot around the neighborhood. I walked a lot with Ayden's pregnancy and I think it helped me a lot with labor.
I also started on progesterone shots at 17 weeks. They are definitely not fun to get! At my doctor's appointment, they showed Zach how to administer the shots to me. That way I don't have to drive to the hospital every week to get them. So Zach is gonna have fun hurting me for the rest of my pregnancy! :) 
With the progesterone shots, I was told that it works on some women and others it doesn't. It doesn't guarantee I make it to full term but it is suppose to help prevent baby from coming any earlier than it should, if that makes sense! So for example, I had Ayden at 32 Weeks. My doctor is hoping I make it to at least 34 Weeks which is a major improvement! The earlier they come, the longer they stay in the NICU. So I am hoping and praying the progesterone shots will help keep baby in longer! 
At my appointment, the doctor also checked my cervix (sorry TMI) to make sure that it isn't thinning. And thankfully it's not! He says it looks pretty good right now but it could change at any point due to the uterus getting bigger. So it kind of gives me anxiety that I could possibly still have this baby preterm. But I'm doing everything I can and what the doctor recommends to keep baby from coming early! 

  • Can you believe she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing?
  • And she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too — and she's big enough that you might be able to feel her doing it!

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