Saturday, April 13, 2013

15 Weeks

April 7th, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

This week was probably the hardest for me because I ended up catching a cold! My throat was sore and my nose was runny all week! :( It was not fun! I tell you that having a cold while your pregnant really sucks! I had to call in work sick on Monday because I really needed to rest.  But on a brighter note, 5 more weeks until we find out if it's a boy or a girl! We can pretty much find out whenever at this point but we are just going to wait until our 20 Week appointment! I cannot wait to start on the nursery and buying baby stuff! I am also looking forward to our next prenatal appointment which is on Thursday the 18th!

Baby is the size of a navel orange!
  • You probably can't feel it yet, but she's squirming a ton!
  • She might even be hiccuping in there.
  • She's making lots of progress: her joints and limbs can all move now.


I've been craving spicy food like papaya salad! :) 

Best Memory this Week? 

The best memory this week was probably feeling a little fluttering in my belly! :) I was just sitting at work and all of the sudden I felt the movement. I hope it was the baby, I'm pretty sure it was but at the same time I'm also unsure because it seems too early to feel anything yet! Either way, it made my day! :) 

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