Saturday, April 20, 2013

16 Weeks - Four Months! Baby Appointment!

April 14, 2013

How's Mom Feeling?

I feel so grateful this week and I'm really starting to enjoy this pregnancy! I think it's beginning to feel a lot real to me now when I see my belly growing! I have no complains this week other than back pains! I find myself one day having all this energy and the next feeling so fatigued! haha But I will say this second trimester is treating me so well it makes me love being pregnant! :) 
Baby is the size of an Avocado!

  • She's listening to your voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in her ears.
  • She's growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.
  • And she's forming taste buds.


Yes! lots and lots of spicy food! And the good thing is I don't get heartburn or anything when I eat it so that's a huge plus! 

Best Memory this Week? 

The best memory this week was going to my 4 month baby appointment on Thursday.  Zach was not able to go with me this time because it was at 11:15 and I didn't want him to have to miss work so I was fine with it.  Instead I took my sister with me and we got to spend time together! 

Everything went well at my appointment, my midwife was so great she took her time with me, went over my labs, and then scheduled my 20 week scan in May.  Then she had me lay down so she could take my measurements and hear baby's heartbeat! 

When taking my measurements, my midwife said I was measuring larger than I should be for my dates. I asked if that could be a good thing or a bad thing. She said I may just be further along than I should be (which I kind of don't believe because I am pretty sure I calculated my due date right AND I know the date of my lmp! But we'll see...)

Inevitably, I know I shouldn't be worried, but this is my first baby and I just pray that the u/s appointment goes well and that everything is normal! 

So after my appointment, my sister and I went out for lunch and got Pho! YUMMMMM :)

Sorry, this is bad quality but you can kind of hear baby's heartbeat!

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