Sunday, May 5, 2013

18 Weeks - "It's a..."

How's Mom Feeling?

This week has been another great week! I am loving this second trimester and I'm loving all the baby movements! It's the best feeling ever and it truly makes having a baby so real! I've also been very emotional this week and been dealing with some back pain. Other than that, I sleep really good at night! :) and I've been having the weirdest dreams ever! haha 

Another great news is Zach and I found out what we're having! :) 
We actually found out on March 26th. Remember in one of my post I said I was measuring big? Well for that reason, my Midwife scheduled me the first appointment available to see if I could be having twins or I am just further along. So the day of the ultrasound was the most exciting day ever!  The week leading up to the ultrasound seemed like the longest week ever because I was soo anxious to find out if I was expecting a girl or boy! (But I was so glad I didn't have to wait until my 20 week appointment!) So we found out that no we're not having twins and no I am not further along.  Baby is measuring exactly to date and is healthy! Zach told me that a few seconds into the ultrasound he already knew what the gender was. (I honestly don't know how he can see it that quick!) So we are keeping the gender a secret for now. The only people who know are close family. :) Lets just say we are very blessed to be having a healthy baby which is what we wanted! :) 
Baby is the size of a sweet potato!
  • Can you believe she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing?
  • And she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too -- and she's big enough that you might be able to feel her doing it!

 Best Memory this Week? 

This week hasn't been very eventful! Since we found out the gender I've been thinking of nursery ideas! I am so excited to start the baby room. We are going to start it once Zach gets done with school. I am so looking forward to having my husband back! haha He's been working so hard! Four classes and working full-time is no fun! I am so proud of him though! 

I am also looking forward to our Park City weekend getaway coming up! We are leaving May 17th! We scheduled our baby appointment on that same day at 4:30 pm so that way we could just leave right after :) 

So excited! 

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