Sunday, May 12, 2013

19 Weeks

May 5, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

Another week and I am still feeling pretty good! My feet however are starting to swell up! Haha It's quite depressing when I look down and see these gigantic fat feet! Baby kicks are getting harder and more frequent! I love it!! A funny thing that happened this week was waking up at 3 AM because I was starving! I thought I was going to die! Haha So lately I've been eating a snack before bedtime so that doesn't happen again. Sometimes I dizzy or lightheaded when I'm at work.

 Now that Zach is out of school we are going to start getting the nursery ready! :) I am so excited to start! We just need to clean and empty out the room so that we can paint and do the flooring.  I am looking forward to our baby appointment at 20 Weeks! And Park City! woo! 

Baby is the size of a mango! yum!

your baby at 19 weeks
  • Developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at her birth.
  • Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.


Mangos!! We bought a cart of them from Costco and I ate the whole thing! :) yum!

Best Memory this Week? 

Photo: Cupcakes galore! Had a fun day cake tasting for baby shower! Thanks again Katie Nestor!!
Best memory this week was probably going cake tasting with Katie! This was such a fun day and she spoiled us real bad! We went cupcake sampling because we would like to have a gender reveal baby shower and the cupcakes will be the reveal! So whoever bites into it will see if it is a pink or blue frosting inside! 

We went to like 5 cupcake bakeries! And we stopped at a baby boutique store called sassy babies! It was the most cutest and unique baby store ever! I will most likely go back there for sure! :) 

Overall it was a fun day full of treats! We are so grateful to have Katie in our lives! She does so much for us and the church and has this joy about her! I am so grateful and thankful that she also wants to do this baby shower for us! Me and my baby feel very loved! :)

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