Sunday, August 18, 2013

Baby Ayden 1 Week Old!

I can't believe Ayden is now 1 week old! I am so proud of him already! He is such a fighter. He is getting stronger and growing every day. This also marks week 1 of his stay in the NICU. I can't believe how fast this week has gone. Each day that goes by, he is closer and closer to coming home with us. 

He's making progress...

On the first day he was in an incubator with an oxygen mask on. He was also getting fluids through an IV that they put in his hand.

The second day he was out of the incubator and into a crib! Yay! And he no longer had the oxygen mask on which meant he could breathe on his own! They still have to monitor his breathing and heart rate though.

The third day they found that he had jaundice so they started him on phototherapy lights. They put him under a bright light which he did not like! He would fuss and cry all the time because he had to wear these uncomfortable eye glasses.

Day four and five they added an extra light because his jaundice level stayed the same. We attempted breast feeding but he is still learning how to suck so we weren't able to get him to latch on. They also started him on feeds. They gave him small doses of my breast milk and the next day they up the dose. They are feeding him through a nose tube.

Day 6 they tested him and his jaundice levels went down which meant no more lights! By this point he was a happy baby! We came in his room and he was wrapped up like an Ayden burrito and was happily sleeping away. :) We tried breastfeeding again. He latched on for a little while and then fell asleep! lol They increased his feedings as well!

Day 7 They increased his feedings again! yay! We are going to fatten him up!! :) We tried breast feeding and he latched on and started sucking and then stopped! :) He's making progress but still learning! At this point Zach and I are more comfortable with changing his diaper and taking his temperature.

Premature babie must complete three milestones before going home. 
One: graduation to a crib
Two: consistent breathing and heart rate
Three: feeding and gaining weight

The anticipated going home date is usually the "due date". So for Ayden it would be September 29th. But I am hopeful we can get him home sooner because he has already completed 2 of the discharge criteria. We just need to get him to gain weight!

It's Not Easy...

Lets just say this week has not been the easiest for Zach and I. I try so hard not to cry every time we have to leave him. The drive home is always a depressing one. And it doesn't help when we see other parents taking their newborn home and we can't even take our baby boy home.  I'm not gonna lie - I get envious. :( I miss him every time I am not with him. I am getting teary eyed just thinking about him.

But we are happy with all the accomplishments he has made and thankful for this health despite coming early. We know God is good and he is taking care of our baby boy. He is definitely teaching me patience!

We are also lucky to have supportive friends and family who are there for us bringing us dinners and even taking the time to visit! 

Grandma and Grandpa also came to visit him this week! Pictures of them holding baby Ayden for the first time! :) 

We are praying and praying he can come home soon! 

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