Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ayden 2 Weeks old!

Can't believe another week has gone by! Baby boy has been growing and gaining weight everyday! He has achieved his milestone of reaching 5lbs 3 oz! :) The minimum weight requirement to be in a car seat! However, even though he looks ready to go home, he still needs to keep growing and working on eating! 

Some Updates

-So this week they took the IV off his hand! yay! No more needles! :)  
-He is finally 5 lbs! 
-He's progressing with the breastfeeding! He sucks on and off and sometimes falls alseep !
-He attacked one of the nurses with his pee! lol 
-Zach and I completed a CPR class which is one of the requirements before they discharge him. 
-He loved when Grandma Julie and Aunt Kita came to visit him! 
-They increased his feedings to 45 ML's 
-He's doing great and tolerating his feedings really well


 He needs to continue working on breastfeeding. 

How's Mom Feeling? 

This week has been a good one. It was the first week Zach had to go back to work so I was with Ayden most during the day. Zach sure was missing him! 
Physically I feel great, I feel back to my normal self now! Emotionally I've been up and down. I swear, if I hear another "When does he get to come home?" from someone I am going to lose it! It's not that I get annoyed when someone asks me that, I just get overly emotional because I don't know. I don't want to be reminded that he is STILL in the NICU and could be there longer than I want him to be! It's not up to me to decide. It's really up to Ayden and how he is progressing. Some may think that eating is not that hard to do but for a preemie it is. A lot of people need to understand that he is not a full term baby. He's not mature yet and he's got a lot of catching up to do. He still needs to learn how to breathe, suck and swallow at the same time. He's so little and it's just too much to ask of him and I don't want to rush him because he is doing the best he can. I want breastfeeding to be a positive experience to him. Not something I'm forcing upon him. The only way he can come home sooner is if I am there at least 3 times a day to practice breastfeeding with him. Once he has established breastfeeding, they will introduce a bottle to him. It's also kind of hard to do that when we have visitors because in between his feedings he needs his rest. When preemies are in deep sleep that's when they develop and grow. Zach and I really want him to come home soon because it really is hard on us. All we can do is pray for him! 

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Monica! I'll be sure to have Ayden and your family in my thoughts that hopefully he will be able to go home soon! I'm Heather and I was wondering if you would be able to answer a quick question I have about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)
