Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Expecting Baby Lintz #2!

Ayden is Going to be a Big Brother! 

Wow! It's been a very long time since i've blogged! Life happened and Ayden has been keeping us very busy nonstop! But it looks like we're going to be even busier! Because we are happy to announce that we are expecting baby Lintz #2! We are so happy that we are going to have another little monkey running around! My estimated due date is January 19, 2016! It doesn't seem quite real to me yet but I know it will once we get to hear baby's heartbeat and to actually see my growing belly! 

How We Found Out! 

It was May 7th when we found out! I woke up when Zach was getting ready to leave for work. I had all the early pregnancy symptoms but at the same time, I wasn't quite sure. I took the pregnancy test knowing it was probably too early to test and chances are I might get a negative. But I took the test anyways, I was very tired and half awake. When I noticed it was positive, I had to blink a couple of times and it definitely woke me up then! I ran downstairs because I wanted to tell Zach before he left for work. I showed him the test and I said, "It looks like I got my early Mother's Day gift!" :)  He had the biggest smile and we hugged each other for a while. 

We knew we wanted to tell people right away. The last time I got pregnant we kept it a secret and unfortunately, it ended in a miscarriage. It was a lonely time. Nobody had known that a life was lost. So the only way for us to grieve and to honor that lost was to come out and tell people. And we couldn't believe the enormous amount of support we got! 
Having gone through a miscarriage, Zach and I have definitely grown a lot in our faith. It still tears me up today when I think about it. But God is good and he is the giver of life. He put us through that storm for a reason. 
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
    and naked I will depart.[a]
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
    may the name of the Lord be praised.” 
Job 1:21
Should anything happen to this pregnancy, we definitely know we would get the love and support we need from our friends and family. 

Click to read: 4-7 Weeks Pregnant

1 comment:

  1. It is such a blessing to be apart of your happiness! I am so happy for you and Zach! Your post gives me encouragement to keep going even without understanding. Thank you for that.
    Lord willing you and Zach will not have to go through another loss but if you do we will be there again, and I'm glad you know that.
    Love ya friend!
