10 Weeks
I'm 10 weeks pregnant now and I am starting to feel pretty good! I'm able to keep food down and I only get sick at night. Week 9 was terrible! I threw up everyday and felt so gross! I still have food aversions. I don't really like eating meat! I've been craving a lot of cantaloupe! With Ayden, I was eating a lot of mangoes!
I'm also starting to get some of my energy back. Sometimes I still nap during the day but I'm finally able to clean the house! The house has been such a mess ever since I became pregnant! Haha
My pants are starting to feel a little snug now but I'm not ready to bring out the maternity clothes just yet!
I had my 2nd baby appointment on Monday! Everything looks great! We got an ultrasound again and baby was moving a lot! The heartbeat was 160. Afterwards, I got my blood drawn and scheduled my next appointment which will be at 14 weeks on July 20! The nice thing is that at every baby appointment, they do an ultrasound, which I love! Seeing the baby never gets old!
- Baby has working arm joints, and her cartilage and bones are forming.
- Her vital organs are fully developed and they're starting to function.
- Her fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too.
- Plus, she's swallowing and kicking in there. (Can you believe it?!)
Pregnancy Memory
So just for fun, I bought a gender prediction kit from Intelligender! Haha just imagine for a sec Zach rolling his eyes at me! I heard that for some women it was accurate and for some it was a complete waste of money! I took it knowing I had a 50/50 chance of it being right or wrong and I really just wanted it to be something fun for Zach and I to do during this pregnancy journey! So basically, it's like a pregnancy test. You collect your first morning urine and you mix it into another cup that contains a mixture of chemicals that are suppose to react with the hormones in your urine! So the results for me came up green which means...boy! Honestly, I would love another boy! But, I'm not going to get my hopes up and go painting the nursery room blue anytime soon so we will have to wait and see! :)
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