Monday, March 4, 2013

5 Weeks

January 27th 2013

How's mom feeling?

I am still feeling great! I still can't believe that I am going to be a mom! I am excited as can be! I have been very tired all this the time Zach gets home from school, I am already in bed! 
Symptoms? Fatigue, hungry, & headaches from time to time.

Baby is the size of an appleseed!

-Baby's itty bitty heart is forming

-Skeleton, eyes and ears are forming

-Placenta is forming


Yes, I've been craving burgers and fries! In fact, Zach is coming home with such goodness right now! :) 

Best memory this week

I don't know what it is but ever since Zach and I found out we were pregnant, we have been so happy in love! And it's not to say that we weren't loving or affectionate before, we definitely were.  I think mainly, its this love that we already have for our baby and its this new life changing experience that we're both going through.  We're starting to appreciate each other a lot more! I know that Zach will be a godly father to our children, and knowing that alone, is why I love him more now than before!
So the best thing that's happened this week is when Zach left me a cute note this morning :) 

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