Monday, March 4, 2013

9 Weeks

February 24, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

I feel great this week. It was one of those week where it wasn't that great but wasn't that bad either... I've been very emotional but my nausea has eased up a little bit this week so that's good! 
Here is a little of what Zach went through this week... lol
Baby is the size of a green olive!

-Your developing distinct facial features! (Maybe you will have mommy's eyes! :) 
-You have a strong heartbeat dad and I got to hear!
-We love you so so much!!! 


Didn't really have any cravings this week which frustrated me all week because I wasn't satisfied with anything I ate! And I couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat! haha :) 

Best Memory this week? 

 Best memory this week was probably girls night on Wednesday! It was so great to catch up with my girls and to just relax! I've been an emotional wreck all week so it was nice to have my friends there to listen to me. 

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