Monday, March 4, 2013

6 Weeks

February 3, 2012

(No belly picture this week because I'm not really showing yet! )

How's mom feeling? 

I have been feeling very moody lately! haha 
 Symptoms: Moodiness, nausea, fatigue

Baby is the size of a sweet pea! 

Baby you're growing like crazy! 
You're about to get cuter too, since you're forming nose, eyes, ears, chin, and cheeks I will be kissing! 


I have been craving some hardcore authentic Laos food!! My baby is a true AZN! 

Best Memory this Week? 

I got to spend some time with my big sister this week.  With our crazy life and schedule, we haven't hung out like we use to in a long time! So it was nice to go visit her and she made me dinner! 
I had asked her to make me what's called, "Kow Piak" noodles! I was craving this dish for the longest time and it made me so happy that she made time to make this for me! Not only was this soup very yummy but it also brought back my childhood memories! I love my big sister so much! She is the best and I am lucky to have her for my sister!!! :)

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