Saturday, July 13, 2013

28 Weeks - 7 Months!

July 7, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

This week I'm doing pretty good! It's crazy to think I'm already starting the 3rd trimester! :) Wow, this pregnancy is going faster than I thought it would! This week I've experienced some Braxton hicks contractions! It was painless but not comfortable! I've also noticed I'm not really having a huge appetite lately.  Probably due to baby crowding inside me!

I'm starting to get a little nervous because I've been reading a lot about how babies can survive outside of the womb around this time! And since this is my first pregnancy I don't really know what to expect! When I was a baby I was born premature and spent 3 months in the hospital! God forbid I don't want that to happen to my own baby! I just want him to be born healthy! A co-worker of mine made a comment to me this week. She said, "I'd be surprised if you make it to 9 months!" That comment irritated me a little bit but I can understand why she would say that because I do look like I'm further along than I should be. My belly button (turkey timer) is already poking out! Haha I probably look like I'm further along because I do have a petite body and I'm short! 

Overall, this week was a good one. I wasn't too emotional or anything. Just been super happy about having little Ayden sleeping and moving inside me! :) 
Baby is the size of an eggplant!

Baby at 28 weeks
  • He's starting to develop more fat, so his wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
  • His lungs are mature enough that he'd probably survive if he was born now. Wow!

Best Memory this Week? 

The best memory this week was my baby appointment on Friday! This was also the day I had to take my Glucose screening test! I was told I didn't have to fast just not to eat a whole lot. So that was good! The drink they gave me wasn't bad! While I was drinking the juice, I overheard a lady telling her husband "that drink is nasty."  I honestly didn't think it was! haha It was actually nice and cold! So I drank the whole bottle and had to wait an hour. During that hour I had my baby appointment. It went very well we heard his strong heartbeat which was 150! The other concern my midwife had was that I was measuring 33cm. AGAIN I'm measuring larger than I should be! So she scheduled the next available u/s appointment for me to see how his growth is and she thinks there may be extra fluid surrounding him. The downside of this is now I'm a worry wart! I'm sure it's nothing but since it is my first pregnancy I am a little nervous!! The upside is I get to see my baby boy again! :) Well, hopefully its still a boy! haha jk prety sure it's a he. So after my appointment I went to the lab to get my blood drawn. The phlebotomist poked me twice! She couldn't get it in my left arm so she had to poke my right arm. So I left there with both arms poked and bruised! 

After our baby appointment, we had dinner with Zach's mom and Kurt! We had Pho! yummmm :)

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