Saturday, July 6, 2013

27 Weeks

How's Mom Feeling? 

This week has been a great week yet an emotional one too! I had a great week because we had our first baby shower with our Church family! I had a lot of fun and I was so happy to see so many people! :) 
Lately I've been so emotional! I believe it's the pregnancy hormones that are making me crazy! haha I feel so sorry for Zach because he doesn't know what to do when I start crying out of nowhere! haha He has put up with a lot! I love him! :) 

And I am so ready for the heat of summer to be over with! But at the same time I don't want summer to end because I hate the winter and snow!! But I do love spring and fall which only happens for a short amount of time here in Utah!

So...since our baby shower was a gender reveal shower I can now announce to everyone that we are having a BABY BOY!!!!!

 We are very very happy that we are having a boy!! Even though I guessed wrong, I am looking forward to having a cute mini Zachary running around :)

Baby is the size of a Rutabaga!

Your baby at 27 weeks

  • He's practicing inhaling and exhaling with his rapidly developing lungs.
  • It's official: Baby's showing brain activity! And his brain will keep on getting more complex.

Best Memory this Week? 

The best memory this week was probably the baby shower!! I have the best church family ever and I am so grateful for all the gifts and wishes! Here are some pictures: 

Just want to say THANK YOU to those who made time to come out to my baby shower! It meant the world to me! Thanks to you, baby's closet isn't empty anymore! :)

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