Sunday, July 28, 2013

30 Weeks

July 21, 2013

How's Mom Feeling?

This week has been a busy week! Busy - in a good way! I've felt fine all week! Just haven't been sleeping well through the night! :( I know people tell me I need to take advantage of the sleep now but it's kind of hard when I keep waking up every two hours! 

Monday we had our first Lamaze class! :) 
(we look tired huh?)
There are 4 more classes and it goes from 7PM to 9:30PM. I know! It's kind of late huh?! Since Zach and I both work during the day, this was our only best option! Lamaze class went very well! I am excited to go again on Monday! I've always wanted to take a child birth class! I always see couples do it in the movies all the time and I think it's so cute! Not only do I want to prepare myself for labor but I also want to be able to look back at this moment that Zach and I got to share together! We met a lot of great couples! It was nice being able to relate to all the pregnant mamas who are going through the same thing I'm going through (like this summer pregnancy)! 
We did some breathing techniques and I couldn't keep a straight face because of Zach! I blame him for looking ridiculous! Haha but I am glad we got some laughs out of it! 

Tuesday we got new carpet! 

  It makes our house look so much different! I love it! We are finally glad to get rid of our old one! The reason we got new carpet was because we've been infested with carpet bug!  Don't know what carpet bug is?? Google it! haha it's pretty gross I know! The previous owners had dogs and carpet was 10 years old! So now with the new carpet, we feel so much at ease knowing that baby isn't going to be crawling around putting carpet bug in his mouth!

Wednesday we went over to our friends Mike & Elisha's for BBQ!
It was a lot of fun! It was nice just to hang out, eat, and play games!

Thursday I pampered myself with a manicure/pedicure! I think being pregnant is a great excuse to go get a pedicure because your big belly gets in the way when you try to do your own toes! 

Friday we went to Tyler's birthday party! It was great to see family and hold baby Nash! He was such a good baby! It was fun to practice feeding and holding him! 

Afterwards we went to Kaei and Jessica's engagement party! I am very excited for them! I also got 6 mosquito bites from that night! I am so itchy right now!!

Saturday morning Zach and I slept in and cuddled together! It was so relaxing because we didn't have anything planned or had anywhere to be that morning. I remember thinking as I was laying there how quiet the house was and how in two months from now that will all change! So I am trying to cherish my time alone with Zach because it won't be just the two of us for long! 
So I suggested we go out for dim sum because we've never been just the two of us! 
Photo: Dim sum with the hubby :)

Later that night we went to another birthday party. It was my aunt's son who just turned 1 years old. He is a cutie! 

Then we had college & career bible study at Travis's house! We had hot dogs, smore's and watermelon! It was a fun night of fellowship and sitting around the fire pit! 

The end. See told you it was a busy week! I enjoyed every minute of it though! :) 
I can't believe in two months I get to meet my baby boy!! So excited!!

Baby is the size of a cucumber!

your baby at 30 weeks
  • His skin is getting smoother.
  • But his brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
  • He's now strong enough to grasp a finger!

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