Thursday, June 27, 2013

26 Weeks

June 23, 2013

How's Mom Feeling?

For some reason this week has been the hardest for me! I've been feeling very pregnant! I won't lie, I have been having trouble sleeping at night and a little bit of round ligament pain! My nausea is starting to creep up again! People have asked me if I am ready to be done with this pregnancy and I say yes and no! Yes because I am getting anxious and excited to meet my baby. I still love being pregnant and feeling the kicks. No because we still have a lot to do before baby comes like the nursery room and we're planning on putting in new carpet upstairs. Also I want my baby to come when he/she is ready. Hopefully no earlier than 37 weeks! 

Baby is the size of a Lettuce head!

your baby at 26 weeks
  • Baby's eyes are forming, and eyes will soon start to open.
  • eyelashes are now grown, too.
  • Baby is getting its immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies.
  • Baby is taking breaths, too. They're of amniotic fluid, not air, but it's still good practice.

Best Memory this Week? 

The best memory this week was probably meeting our new baby nephew, Nash! 

 Meeting Nash that day got me very excited to meet ours in 3 months! I can't wait for them to grow up close together and play! :) 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

25 Weeks

June 16, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

This week I feel great! Ever since I bought a body pillow I have been sleeping much better! But I still wake up in the middle of the night to change positions or go to the bathroom! 

Baby is kicking much harder and more frequent! Sometimes I wonder if he/she is having a party in there! haha 

Still swollen hands and feet.  I am sad that I won't be wearing my wedding ring for the rest of this pregnancy! I feel like there is something missing on my finger! I do miss it! Guess I have to invest in a fake ring for now! 

Baby is the size of a Cauliflower!

your baby at 25 weeks

  • Baby's enjoying his/her new sense of equilibrium -- baby now knows which way is up and which is down.
  • Baby's growing more fat and more hair too! (Hopefully thick hair like mama's :)

Best Memory this Week? 

Sunday was Father's day and me and Zach...and baby (in a way) pretty much spent the whole day together! We went to church...then we went to lunch at Texas Roadhouse! yum!!! :) Then we went to Scheels and bought Zach his father's day gift which was a road bike! Zach has been getting into the whole road bike thing because he wants to get back into shape and all his co-workers want him to ride too! So I think it's worth the money for him to stay active and not sitting around playing video games! Big plus for me! :) Then we went shopping around for a rug to put in the nursery room! We found one that we loved and it's the best soft rug ever! Sometimes me and Zach go into the nursery just to lay on it or put our feet on it! haha 

Speaking of nursery room! It's coming along great! We bought a dresser and some shelves! We still have a lot to do though! I want to get a gliding chair but haven't found the right one yet! Guess the hunt for one still continues! 

Other great news is I got a raise at work! I wasn't really too excited for it because I know that when I have the baby, I won't be going back to work! I am grateful for the pay raise don't get me wrong but I am more grateful and blessed to be able to stay home with my baby! God is so good and he provided the needs for us to do so! Thank you Lord!

Looking forward to... 

-Our new nephew joining the family soon! My brother-in-law and his wife are expecting a baby boy anytime now! I am so nervous and excited for them! I can't wait! :) 

-Gender reveal baby shower! yay!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

24 Weeks

June 9, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

This week I feel very pregnant! I've been tired...emotional...nauseous...swollen...BIG...and not getting really good sleep at night! Baby is kicking a lot lately but I still love the feeling! I am starting to get really anxious about meeting my baby! I know I am halfway done but I think getting the nursery ready and buying baby stuff is getting me excited! :) 

Baby is the size of a Cantaloupe! yum!

your baby at 24 weeks
  • Baby's see-through skin is gradually becoming more opaque.
  • And it's got a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed.

Best Memory this Week?

The best memory this week was my baby appointment! Heartbeat was 145! It went very well, Zach couldn't come so I had my friend Christie come with me! For some reason I just don't like going alone! But I had a lot hanging out with her! Afterwards we got Breakfast and went shopping! :)

My next appointment is on July 12th! Which will also be the day I take my glucose test! Wish me luck! 

I am looking forward to my baby shower on June 29th! It's a gender reveal baby shower so I can finally tell everyone what gender my sweet baby is! It's been so hard keeping it in and I swear I think I might've slipped just by talking to people! :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

23 Weeks

June 2, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

Another week has already gone by! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going! To think next week I will be 6 months pregnant! 

So this week I have had bad leg cramps :/ I've been trying to stretch everyday especially before and after I go walking every night (Zach goes walking with me so I'm not alone) but that doesn't always help.
Oh! And I finally experienced heart burn! I've never had heart burn before I got pregnant, and lets just say it's no fun at all!

Anyways, I know I sound like I may be complaining about this pregnancy, but I'm actually okay with it.  It's really not as bad as I am making it sound! I will say it again, I LOVE being pregnant! And I love having a baby bump! I know some women who want to hide it but I actually want to show it off! :) 

I've also been getting a lot of  sarcastic comments lately like "oh you're going to have so much fun being pregnant in the summer!" And I go along with it and say I'm not looking forward to it but other than the heat and the swollen hands and feet...I don't mind at all being pregnant in the summer! I actually can't wait to start wearing cute maternity dresses and summer clothing! Not to mention all the fruits that are ripe and perfect! :) 
However, I do think for my next baby we will plan for a winter pregnancy! I kind of want to experience both if you know what I mean! :) 

Cravings this week was of course MANGO!!! kiwi & popcorn! :) 

Baby is the size of a Grapefruit!

  • Face is fully formed now -- baby just needs a little extra fat to fill it out.
  • Baby is listening to your voice and your heartbeat -- and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking.

Best Memory this Week?

The best memory this week was when Zach put up the baby's crib! I know it may be too early but I just could not wait! We got a white crib and I am very very happy with it! 

Everyday before I head off to work I take a minute and just stare into the baby's room! I don't know why I do that...maybe I am just envisioning our baby in it. :) 

Another great memory is when Zach got to feel the baby kick! :) I love that he always wants to be involved and he even reads our baby/pregnancy book every night before bed!

Even in those dull moments when I feel fat, swollen, and depressed...he always finds a way to lift me up and tell me I look beautiful.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

22 Weeks

May 26, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

Still loving the second trimester! I sure will miss being pregnant once I have the baby so I am going to try and cherish every moment I can with this pregnancy! Ask me how I am doing when I'm in the third trimester and it'll probably be a totally different answer! Haha

You might be wondering why I don't have a "21 weeks" post. In all honesty I didn't have time to take a picture and write a blog! So I apologize! We have been crazy busy lately with work, life, and cleaning out the baby's room!

This week I have had the biggest appetite! I now weigh 120!! My eyes turn big whenever I step on the scale! I have never seen a number like that before! Haha but it's better to gain weight than not at all right? The back pain is getting helps when I sleep with pillows in between my legs. On a brighter note, I still sleep really REALLY good at night!   :)

I am getting really excited though to meet my baby at the end of all this! I know it will go by fast so I want to make the most of it! Before I got pregnant, I never understood the kind of bond a mother had between her and her unborn child... but now I definitely do! I feel a lot closer to my baby now that I know the gender and feeling the kicks makes it even more real! We even decided on a name too! :)
Baby is the size of a papaya!

  • Now that he's got more developed eyes and lips, he's looking even more like a newborn.
  • He's sleeping in cycles -- about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they're probably those times you're not feeling any kicks!).

Best Memory this week?

Best memory this week was painting the nursery!

Zach did such a great job painting! That boy can do anything...he's so handy and that's one reason why I am so attracted to him! :)  I would post the end result but am afraid it might give away the gender! As you can see we even added horizontal stripes to create an accent wall! It looks really good! I am happy with the colors and I can't wait to post more pictures later on! :)

The next best thing was buying the crib! Because of the memorial weekend sale, we actually got a great deal on our crib! I am so glad we waited because we saved ourselves $40! Praise God! :)

With the room painted and the crib already bought, the reality of having a baby is sinking in! ahhhh!!

4 more months to go! woo!