Saturday, June 8, 2013

23 Weeks

June 2, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

Another week has already gone by! I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going! To think next week I will be 6 months pregnant! 

So this week I have had bad leg cramps :/ I've been trying to stretch everyday especially before and after I go walking every night (Zach goes walking with me so I'm not alone) but that doesn't always help.
Oh! And I finally experienced heart burn! I've never had heart burn before I got pregnant, and lets just say it's no fun at all!

Anyways, I know I sound like I may be complaining about this pregnancy, but I'm actually okay with it.  It's really not as bad as I am making it sound! I will say it again, I LOVE being pregnant! And I love having a baby bump! I know some women who want to hide it but I actually want to show it off! :) 

I've also been getting a lot of  sarcastic comments lately like "oh you're going to have so much fun being pregnant in the summer!" And I go along with it and say I'm not looking forward to it but other than the heat and the swollen hands and feet...I don't mind at all being pregnant in the summer! I actually can't wait to start wearing cute maternity dresses and summer clothing! Not to mention all the fruits that are ripe and perfect! :) 
However, I do think for my next baby we will plan for a winter pregnancy! I kind of want to experience both if you know what I mean! :) 

Cravings this week was of course MANGO!!! kiwi & popcorn! :) 

Baby is the size of a Grapefruit!

  • Face is fully formed now -- baby just needs a little extra fat to fill it out.
  • Baby is listening to your voice and your heartbeat -- and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking.

Best Memory this Week?

The best memory this week was when Zach put up the baby's crib! I know it may be too early but I just could not wait! We got a white crib and I am very very happy with it! 

Everyday before I head off to work I take a minute and just stare into the baby's room! I don't know why I do that...maybe I am just envisioning our baby in it. :) 

Another great memory is when Zach got to feel the baby kick! :) I love that he always wants to be involved and he even reads our baby/pregnancy book every night before bed!

Even in those dull moments when I feel fat, swollen, and depressed...he always finds a way to lift me up and tell me I look beautiful.

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