Saturday, June 22, 2013

25 Weeks

June 16, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

This week I feel great! Ever since I bought a body pillow I have been sleeping much better! But I still wake up in the middle of the night to change positions or go to the bathroom! 

Baby is kicking much harder and more frequent! Sometimes I wonder if he/she is having a party in there! haha 

Still swollen hands and feet.  I am sad that I won't be wearing my wedding ring for the rest of this pregnancy! I feel like there is something missing on my finger! I do miss it! Guess I have to invest in a fake ring for now! 

Baby is the size of a Cauliflower!

your baby at 25 weeks

  • Baby's enjoying his/her new sense of equilibrium -- baby now knows which way is up and which is down.
  • Baby's growing more fat and more hair too! (Hopefully thick hair like mama's :)

Best Memory this Week? 

Sunday was Father's day and me and Zach...and baby (in a way) pretty much spent the whole day together! We went to church...then we went to lunch at Texas Roadhouse! yum!!! :) Then we went to Scheels and bought Zach his father's day gift which was a road bike! Zach has been getting into the whole road bike thing because he wants to get back into shape and all his co-workers want him to ride too! So I think it's worth the money for him to stay active and not sitting around playing video games! Big plus for me! :) Then we went shopping around for a rug to put in the nursery room! We found one that we loved and it's the best soft rug ever! Sometimes me and Zach go into the nursery just to lay on it or put our feet on it! haha 

Speaking of nursery room! It's coming along great! We bought a dresser and some shelves! We still have a lot to do though! I want to get a gliding chair but haven't found the right one yet! Guess the hunt for one still continues! 

Other great news is I got a raise at work! I wasn't really too excited for it because I know that when I have the baby, I won't be going back to work! I am grateful for the pay raise don't get me wrong but I am more grateful and blessed to be able to stay home with my baby! God is so good and he provided the needs for us to do so! Thank you Lord!

Looking forward to... 

-Our new nephew joining the family soon! My brother-in-law and his wife are expecting a baby boy anytime now! I am so nervous and excited for them! I can't wait! :) 

-Gender reveal baby shower! yay!

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