Saturday, June 1, 2013

22 Weeks

May 26, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

Still loving the second trimester! I sure will miss being pregnant once I have the baby so I am going to try and cherish every moment I can with this pregnancy! Ask me how I am doing when I'm in the third trimester and it'll probably be a totally different answer! Haha

You might be wondering why I don't have a "21 weeks" post. In all honesty I didn't have time to take a picture and write a blog! So I apologize! We have been crazy busy lately with work, life, and cleaning out the baby's room!

This week I have had the biggest appetite! I now weigh 120!! My eyes turn big whenever I step on the scale! I have never seen a number like that before! Haha but it's better to gain weight than not at all right? The back pain is getting helps when I sleep with pillows in between my legs. On a brighter note, I still sleep really REALLY good at night!   :)

I am getting really excited though to meet my baby at the end of all this! I know it will go by fast so I want to make the most of it! Before I got pregnant, I never understood the kind of bond a mother had between her and her unborn child... but now I definitely do! I feel a lot closer to my baby now that I know the gender and feeling the kicks makes it even more real! We even decided on a name too! :)
Baby is the size of a papaya!

  • Now that he's got more developed eyes and lips, he's looking even more like a newborn.
  • He's sleeping in cycles -- about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they're probably those times you're not feeling any kicks!).

Best Memory this week?

Best memory this week was painting the nursery!

Zach did such a great job painting! That boy can do anything...he's so handy and that's one reason why I am so attracted to him! :)  I would post the end result but am afraid it might give away the gender! As you can see we even added horizontal stripes to create an accent wall! It looks really good! I am happy with the colors and I can't wait to post more pictures later on! :)

The next best thing was buying the crib! Because of the memorial weekend sale, we actually got a great deal on our crib! I am so glad we waited because we saved ourselves $40! Praise God! :)

With the room painted and the crib already bought, the reality of having a baby is sinking in! ahhhh!!

4 more months to go! woo!

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