Monday, March 4, 2013

We're Having a Baby!

Yes, I am very excited to announce that Zach and I will be expecting our first baby in September!! We are so thrilled about starting our own family and this journey that we're about to take!
Lets see, where do I start...

Well we wanted to start a family for the longest time but we wanted to pray about it first. We wanted to wait on God's timing and not on our own! So finally, God answered our prayers by blessing Zach with a new job working as a Web Developer for a company downtown! Zach has been working there for three weeks now and loves it! I am happy that he is doing something that he loves and has a passion for! It's very cute when he comes home and starts talking all this programming lingo! And I have no clue what he is saying but I just smile, nod, and try to act interested! I definitely see a big change in attitude when he comes home from work as oppose to coming home from the hospital! 

January 17th, 2013, it was a Thursday night when I decided to take a pregnancy test. I kind of suspected that I might be pregnant only because I have been feeling extreme fatigue lately! And that was not normal to me at all. But at the same time, I was so unsure and I just wanted to know if I would get pregnant this month or not! I got home from work around 5:30 at night. Zach had class so I knew I would be home alone to take the test.  Ok, this might sound cheesy or weird, but before taking the pregnancy test, I took a moment to pray and talk to God. I simply just said, "Lord, you know my heart, and you know how much I want this. It's all in your hands."

After taking the test, I started to walk away but for some reason, I stopped and took a glance back. And to my surprise, I saw two very dark lines! I can't even begin to describe how I felt at that moment. I started crying and getting really emotional! haha It is definitely a moment I will never forget.  

Once I got myself back together, I wanted to tell Zach in a special way. I didn't come up with this idea but I emptied Zach's sock drawer and filled it up with diapers and a note...
Zach came home that night and when he opened that drawer, I will always remember that look on his face! Of course, he was extremely happy and emotional at the same time!

We feel truly blessed and excited for what's to come! 
We already love our little one! :) 
4 Weeks


  1. So cute!!! Thanks for sharing all of this!!

  2. This actually brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for both of you, I know
    you will be the best parents ever!!
