Saturday, March 30, 2013

13 Weeks

March 24, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

This week has been treating me good! I notice that I'm starting to break out more and I get dizzy when I'm sitting for long hours at work. But other than that, I feel great now that I have my energy back :) Zach and I are excited, we are planning a little babymoon getaway in May.  We are going to spend time together away in Park city for the weekend. We didn't really want to plan anywhere fancy or too far away because I personally just want a relaxing and simple fun weekend filled with eating and shopping for baby stuff! :)
Baby is the size of a peach!

  • Can you believe baby's forming vocal cords and teeth?!
  • Baby already has fingerprints.
  • Baby's intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in the tummy!


    Fruits! Especially cantaloupe! (Which Zach doesn't like but that's okay it just means more for me!) We went grocery shopping the other day and our cart was filled with fruits galore!

     Best Memory this Week?

     This week wasn't quite eventful but that's okay.  Sometimes I enjoy not having any plans! Sometimes I love just being at home with Zach and not worry about going out! I am looking forward to Easter though! :)

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