Monday, March 4, 2013

7 Weeks

February 10, 2013

How's mom feeling? 

This week has been treating me good. The nausea has been off and on. I've learned to handle it a lot better by eating small meals frequently throughout the day! I feel bloated and tired!  This week has also been stressful because of work.  I've been working overtime and staying late at work! But I am looking forward to having President's day off! I am going to relax and sleep!! 

Baby is the size of a blueberry! 
-Your tooth buds are forming! 
- The brain and eye lenses are forming! 
-Arms and leg joints are forming :) 


Chinese food! 

Best memory this week?

With this week being so stressful and exhausting, I was really looking forward to spending Valentine's day with Zach! So the best memory this week was probably Zach coming home with Chinese take-out and spending time together at home!  It was very relaxing and so simple! I would rather stay home than go out to a fancy dinner! Along with Chinese food, Zach got me a Carter's gift card! I thought it was cute that he got not just me but our baby something too! It was very thoughtful! haha :)

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