Monday, March 4, 2013

8 Weeks (First Prenatal Appointment!)

February 17th 2013

How's mom feeling? 

I feel great this week! Baby is treating me good and I have no complaints other than feeling tired a lot! But I like to nap so I really have no complains! :) 
Oh and yes I have been moody...poor Zachary! 

Baby is the size of a raspberry!
-Your taste buds are forming! 
-Mommy can't feel it yet, but you're moving your arms and legs like crazy! 
-Ears and eyelids are forming! 


I've been craving anything really cold like ice cream or smoothies! 

Best Memory this week? 

 The best memory this week was my first prenatal appointment! :) 
Our appointment was at 9 AM at the Women's center at Intermountain medical center in Murray!
It was snowing that day so Zach and I had to leave an hour early to get there because we did not want to be late for our first appointment! 
Once we got there, we had our appointment with a midwife name Angel Murdock! She was absolutely the best! She took time to thoroughly answer my questions and any concerns I had.  She was so friendly and I felt so comfortable with her. :) 
After what seems like a booklet of questions and checking me from head to toe, she finally asked if I wanted to hear my baby's heartbeat!  Now I've been praying and waiting for this moment for the longest time! (okay not that long!) So of course I said YES! 
She warned me that I may be disappointed if I don't hear the HB because it was still early, but she wanted to try because I was still pretty thin.  
She pulled out a fetal doppler, put some cold jelly on my belly and searched for the heartbeat! About a minute or two went by and she finally found our baby's heartbeat! Zach says he wishes he would've taken a picture of me at that moment because I had the BIGGEST smile on my face! I was so happy I wanted to cry! It's definitely reassuring to hear the heart and know that God IS in control and he is taking care of me and the baby.
What's funny is when Angel started telling us about an old midwives tale that a high heartbeat means a girl and a lower heartbeat means a boy.  My baby's heartbeat was 170, so it must be a girl :) haha 

 Later that night, we went to a rock and worship christian concert at Energy Solutions arena! It was not only baby's first concert, but a perfect ending to a perfect day just worshiping and praising our awesome God! :)


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