Saturday, March 30, 2013

13 Weeks

March 24, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

This week has been treating me good! I notice that I'm starting to break out more and I get dizzy when I'm sitting for long hours at work. But other than that, I feel great now that I have my energy back :) Zach and I are excited, we are planning a little babymoon getaway in May.  We are going to spend time together away in Park city for the weekend. We didn't really want to plan anywhere fancy or too far away because I personally just want a relaxing and simple fun weekend filled with eating and shopping for baby stuff! :)
Baby is the size of a peach!

  • Can you believe baby's forming vocal cords and teeth?!
  • Baby already has fingerprints.
  • Baby's intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in the tummy!


    Fruits! Especially cantaloupe! (Which Zach doesn't like but that's okay it just means more for me!) We went grocery shopping the other day and our cart was filled with fruits galore!

     Best Memory this Week?

     This week wasn't quite eventful but that's okay.  Sometimes I enjoy not having any plans! Sometimes I love just being at home with Zach and not worry about going out! I am looking forward to Easter though! :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

12 Weeks - 3 Months! Baby Appointment!

March 17, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

I feel so good! No nausea! I am starting to show a little belly now! I've gotten a pair of maternity pants and also a belly band and they are soo comfy! I'm starting to have a huge appetite too! I'm not really a big fan of waking up in the middle of the night and going to the bathroom a lot! Oh and not to mention starving! haha 
But I'm definitely starting to get my energy back and feeling a whole lot better! 
I love my baby! :) 
Baby's the size of a plum!


  • Most of baby's critical systems are fully formed!
  • Reflexes are developing!
  • Baby can open and close fingers and curl toes, too.
  • Baby's brain is developing fast!


I didn't really have any cravings this week which is nice because I got to eat whatever and still be happy and satisfied with it. The only thing I could think of is probably milk! haha and if you know me, I do not like milk! Ever since I was little, I hated it! But now I love it and in fact, I'm drinking it right now :) 

Best Memory this Week?

At IMC Women's Center
The best memory this week was our prenatal appointment which was on Friday the 22nd of March at 8:30AM.  And of course, it always has to snow when we go! But this time it wasn't too bad! As soon as we got there, that's when it started to snow pretty hard! This appointment was pretty quick than the last one which was nice because Zach had to be at work. Our midwife asked if I've gained any weight since my last appointment and I said not really, I've pretty much stayed at 107.  My pre-pregnancy weight was 100. So only 7 pounds I've gained. Which surprised me because I feel like I've eaten soo much lately! But she said that since my nausea went away, I'll probably start to gain weight soon, which is good! We got to hear baby's heartbeat which was 160! :D This is my favorite part! I love hearing it! I don't think I'll ever get sick of it! I definitely look forward to my next appointment which will be on Thursday, April 18th! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

11 Weeks

March 10, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

  This week has been treating me good! Each day that goes by I think to myself it's one day closer I get to finally meet my baby! And it just fills me with joy! I know for sure this pregnancy is going to go by super fast even though it doesn't feel like it right now! I've been overly emotional this week as well, which is to be expected with my raging hormones! haha I find myself thinking a lot about our baby and questioning things like "I wonder what our baby will look like" or "I hope we will raise them up right!" There's just a lot of fears and worries I have but I know I shouldn't because I have God in my life. 
I just pray and pray that Zach and I will be godly parents! :)
Baby is the size of a lime!

  • You can't feel it yet, but you're moving fluidly and gracefully in there!
  • Skin is see-through, but you're looking more like a baby.
  • Fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore!
  • Tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming.


Spicy food! 
I actually got to fulfill this craving this week when Katie invited us over for lunch! :)
Photo: Chicken Tikka Masala over Cauliflower "rice". With Zach and Monica Lintz.
Chicken Tikka Masala with Cauliflower
Sooo good and healthy! I was definitely satisfied! Thanks Katie!!

Best Memory this Week? 

  Wow, there was a lot of good memories that happened this week! 
The first one had to be Zach preaching on Sunday! I thought he did really well. Not only did he preach...he also did the morning study and the evening study! That is a load! Being a preacher is definitely a full time job and it's a lot of work. I don't know how he does it! His love for serving God is so encouraging and it makes me feel so  lucky that he is my husband!
 The other memorable thing that happened this week was when Zach made me dinner.  Okay it doesn't sound that great but keeping reading... One of the days I came home from work I was feeling incredibly sick and I had a headache all day. I definitely felt pregnant that day! In addition, I was super tired because of daylight savings and I could not bring myself to get out of bed.  So Zach went to the store to get some food so that he could make me dinner. It's funny because I'm writing this and it's making me tear up! (see, my hormones are making me so emotional!)  But in all seriousness, I have to say that, Zach is such a hard worker and he does so much! He takes care of me, he provides for me, and I am so grateful to have him in my life. Everyday I see him get up early to go to work, works his full shift, goes to school at night, comes home almost around 9, eats dinner, goes upstairs to start on homework and goes to bed at midnight. The very fact that he made time to go to the grocery store and to make me dinner meant the world to me! He didn't do it in a grudging way, he did it out of love and sympathy. It makes me cry because I see him working so hard and the least I could do was get dinner ready for him. I never felt so guilty in my entire life and in a lot of ways I felt like I failed as a wife that day. Now, I know I'm probably being too hard on myself but I just had to get it out! :) 

On a brighter note, the other happy memorable day was date night on Friday! Zach and I always try to have date night especially with baby on the way we realize we're not always going to be able to go out as much. So this date night was absolutely the best! It was so simple and so relaxing.  We went out to La Luna for dinner (BTW, Zach took me to La Luna on our first date :).  We got our usual smothered bean and cheese burrito! Yum! My favorite part was just talking to each other. After dinner we rented Sky Fall from Redbox and just watched it at home! We got to cuddle and hold hands the whole time and it was so simple! It was a good date night! :) 

So pretty much my whole week was amazing because of Zach! I love him so much! I pray that our baby will grow up to be a hard worker, smart, loving, caring, loves God, and...yes, frugal like their daddy :) 

I thought this was so cute! :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

10 Weeks

March 3 2013

How's Mom Feeling?  

This week has been treating me great! I don't really have the nausea anymore! Some days I don't even feel pregnant anymore except for the bloating I've been having! I think it's time to go maternity clothes least for pants anyways! A couple more weeks and I'll be out of the first trimester! Woot woot! I have a good feeling that the 2nd trimester is going to be a good one! I am so looking forward to the baby movement and finding out the gender! :) 
Speaking of gender... I have no clue what I'm going to have. You know how some women just have a feeling they know what it is?? Yeah, not me! But just to make it fun...Zach and I are guessing a girl!  
But honestly, I'd be perfectly happy with whatever God blesses me with! I just want a healthy baby! Probably one that is smart like their daddy (They don't want mommy's brain! :) 

Baby your the size of a prune!

- Aww you're looking more and more like a baby! 
- Your cartilage and bones are forming! 
-You're swallowing and kicking around in there! 


Still craving really cold things like ice cream and smoothies! yum! :) 

Best Memory this week? 

The best memory this week was probably taking our pregnancy announcement pictures! I had a lot of fun taking these pictures even though it was freeeeezing outside!! But I am so thankful my sister made time to come out in the cold to take them! Bless her heart! 

I really love how these turned out because this was exactly the kind of idea I had in mind! We had to wait until the weather was decent and until we had our first ultrasound to do these but it was so worth the wait!  
Now this whole balloon idea didn't really go according to plan because it was so windy that day!! But I still love how it turned out! It's funny because we still have these balloons floating around in our garage so Zach and I decided that if the last balloon standing is a pink than we're having a girl! haha we're really just trying to make use of these one time balloons and our $4 worth! 
But overall, despite the weather and balloons not working out, I am so happy that we did these because I definitely want our baby to look back at these pictures and see how much daddy and mommy loves each other and how proud we are to announce to the world we're having a precious pink or blue baby! :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

9 Weeks

February 24, 2013

How's Mom Feeling? 

I feel great this week. It was one of those week where it wasn't that great but wasn't that bad either... I've been very emotional but my nausea has eased up a little bit this week so that's good! 
Here is a little of what Zach went through this week... lol
Baby is the size of a green olive!

-Your developing distinct facial features! (Maybe you will have mommy's eyes! :) 
-You have a strong heartbeat dad and I got to hear!
-We love you so so much!!! 


Didn't really have any cravings this week which frustrated me all week because I wasn't satisfied with anything I ate! And I couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat! haha :) 

Best Memory this week? 

 Best memory this week was probably girls night on Wednesday! It was so great to catch up with my girls and to just relax! I've been an emotional wreck all week so it was nice to have my friends there to listen to me. 

8 Weeks (First Prenatal Appointment!)

February 17th 2013

How's mom feeling? 

I feel great this week! Baby is treating me good and I have no complaints other than feeling tired a lot! But I like to nap so I really have no complains! :) 
Oh and yes I have been moody...poor Zachary! 

Baby is the size of a raspberry!
-Your taste buds are forming! 
-Mommy can't feel it yet, but you're moving your arms and legs like crazy! 
-Ears and eyelids are forming! 


I've been craving anything really cold like ice cream or smoothies! 

Best Memory this week? 

 The best memory this week was my first prenatal appointment! :) 
Our appointment was at 9 AM at the Women's center at Intermountain medical center in Murray!
It was snowing that day so Zach and I had to leave an hour early to get there because we did not want to be late for our first appointment! 
Once we got there, we had our appointment with a midwife name Angel Murdock! She was absolutely the best! She took time to thoroughly answer my questions and any concerns I had.  She was so friendly and I felt so comfortable with her. :) 
After what seems like a booklet of questions and checking me from head to toe, she finally asked if I wanted to hear my baby's heartbeat!  Now I've been praying and waiting for this moment for the longest time! (okay not that long!) So of course I said YES! 
She warned me that I may be disappointed if I don't hear the HB because it was still early, but she wanted to try because I was still pretty thin.  
She pulled out a fetal doppler, put some cold jelly on my belly and searched for the heartbeat! About a minute or two went by and she finally found our baby's heartbeat! Zach says he wishes he would've taken a picture of me at that moment because I had the BIGGEST smile on my face! I was so happy I wanted to cry! It's definitely reassuring to hear the heart and know that God IS in control and he is taking care of me and the baby.
What's funny is when Angel started telling us about an old midwives tale that a high heartbeat means a girl and a lower heartbeat means a boy.  My baby's heartbeat was 170, so it must be a girl :) haha 

 Later that night, we went to a rock and worship christian concert at Energy Solutions arena! It was not only baby's first concert, but a perfect ending to a perfect day just worshiping and praising our awesome God! :)


7 Weeks

February 10, 2013

How's mom feeling? 

This week has been treating me good. The nausea has been off and on. I've learned to handle it a lot better by eating small meals frequently throughout the day! I feel bloated and tired!  This week has also been stressful because of work.  I've been working overtime and staying late at work! But I am looking forward to having President's day off! I am going to relax and sleep!! 

Baby is the size of a blueberry! 
-Your tooth buds are forming! 
- The brain and eye lenses are forming! 
-Arms and leg joints are forming :) 


Chinese food! 

Best memory this week?

With this week being so stressful and exhausting, I was really looking forward to spending Valentine's day with Zach! So the best memory this week was probably Zach coming home with Chinese take-out and spending time together at home!  It was very relaxing and so simple! I would rather stay home than go out to a fancy dinner! Along with Chinese food, Zach got me a Carter's gift card! I thought it was cute that he got not just me but our baby something too! It was very thoughtful! haha :)

6 Weeks

February 3, 2012

(No belly picture this week because I'm not really showing yet! )

How's mom feeling? 

I have been feeling very moody lately! haha 
 Symptoms: Moodiness, nausea, fatigue

Baby is the size of a sweet pea! 

Baby you're growing like crazy! 
You're about to get cuter too, since you're forming nose, eyes, ears, chin, and cheeks I will be kissing! 


I have been craving some hardcore authentic Laos food!! My baby is a true AZN! 

Best Memory this Week? 

I got to spend some time with my big sister this week.  With our crazy life and schedule, we haven't hung out like we use to in a long time! So it was nice to go visit her and she made me dinner! 
I had asked her to make me what's called, "Kow Piak" noodles! I was craving this dish for the longest time and it made me so happy that she made time to make this for me! Not only was this soup very yummy but it also brought back my childhood memories! I love my big sister so much! She is the best and I am lucky to have her for my sister!!! :)

5 Weeks

January 27th 2013

How's mom feeling?

I am still feeling great! I still can't believe that I am going to be a mom! I am excited as can be! I have been very tired all this the time Zach gets home from school, I am already in bed! 
Symptoms? Fatigue, hungry, & headaches from time to time.

Baby is the size of an appleseed!

-Baby's itty bitty heart is forming

-Skeleton, eyes and ears are forming

-Placenta is forming


Yes, I've been craving burgers and fries! In fact, Zach is coming home with such goodness right now! :) 

Best memory this week

I don't know what it is but ever since Zach and I found out we were pregnant, we have been so happy in love! And it's not to say that we weren't loving or affectionate before, we definitely were.  I think mainly, its this love that we already have for our baby and its this new life changing experience that we're both going through.  We're starting to appreciate each other a lot more! I know that Zach will be a godly father to our children, and knowing that alone, is why I love him more now than before!
So the best thing that's happened this week is when Zach left me a cute note this morning :) 

4 Weeks

January 20, 2013
We just found out we are having a baby, and I am 4 weeks along in this picture! Of course, no baby bump yet! But I am so excited to start showing though and to record my week-by-week pregnancy! I think keeping a pregnancy journal is such a great idea to record my thoughts, pictures, and events and later reflect back on it! 

How's mom feeling? 

  I've been feeling very happy lately and I am still in shock at the fact that I am going to have a baby! I've been wanting this for a long time and I really want to make the most out of my pregnancy and enjoy every minute while I can! I know certain people that will tell me "Oh it's going to suck!" or "Just you wait, you're going to feel miserable!" While pregnancy may not be the most pleasant experience ever, I think seeing my baby at the end of this journey is worth it! And I'm not going to be one of those people who complain and complain throughout their pregnancy because this is what I wanted! I want to make this the most positive experience as best I can and I don't want anyone else trying to ruin it for me :)

Symptoms? Extreme fatigue, mild cramping, & hungry!  
Baby is the size of a poppy seed!

-Baby is just a teeny tiny ball of cells
-Baby is busy settling into her new home (my uterus)
-Baby's neural tube, spine, brain and backbone is already formed!

 Yes! I was craving Cafe Rio all week and so I finally got the chicken salad!
Best memory this week?
The best memory this week was probably telling our close family and friends that we're pregnant! We wanted to tell each of them in a special and memorable way so we had a lot fun with it and everyone was excited and happy for us! The best one, was probably telling my dad he was going to be a Grandpa because this will be his first grand baby! So we went out for Dim Sum.  I handed him a small box and when he opened it he saw this... 
My dad was so shock and so happy! He could not stop smiling that day. So after announcing the big news, we gave him a cupcake to celebrate him being a first time Grandpa! :) 
My dad also invited us over for dinner that night because he wanted to celebrate and tell his friends the exciting news! Oh how I love my dad! :)

We're Having a Baby!

Yes, I am very excited to announce that Zach and I will be expecting our first baby in September!! We are so thrilled about starting our own family and this journey that we're about to take!
Lets see, where do I start...

Well we wanted to start a family for the longest time but we wanted to pray about it first. We wanted to wait on God's timing and not on our own! So finally, God answered our prayers by blessing Zach with a new job working as a Web Developer for a company downtown! Zach has been working there for three weeks now and loves it! I am happy that he is doing something that he loves and has a passion for! It's very cute when he comes home and starts talking all this programming lingo! And I have no clue what he is saying but I just smile, nod, and try to act interested! I definitely see a big change in attitude when he comes home from work as oppose to coming home from the hospital! 

January 17th, 2013, it was a Thursday night when I decided to take a pregnancy test. I kind of suspected that I might be pregnant only because I have been feeling extreme fatigue lately! And that was not normal to me at all. But at the same time, I was so unsure and I just wanted to know if I would get pregnant this month or not! I got home from work around 5:30 at night. Zach had class so I knew I would be home alone to take the test.  Ok, this might sound cheesy or weird, but before taking the pregnancy test, I took a moment to pray and talk to God. I simply just said, "Lord, you know my heart, and you know how much I want this. It's all in your hands."

After taking the test, I started to walk away but for some reason, I stopped and took a glance back. And to my surprise, I saw two very dark lines! I can't even begin to describe how I felt at that moment. I started crying and getting really emotional! haha It is definitely a moment I will never forget.  

Once I got myself back together, I wanted to tell Zach in a special way. I didn't come up with this idea but I emptied Zach's sock drawer and filled it up with diapers and a note...
Zach came home that night and when he opened that drawer, I will always remember that look on his face! Of course, he was extremely happy and emotional at the same time!

We feel truly blessed and excited for what's to come! 
We already love our little one! :) 
4 Weeks